Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Flying Toilets

Just kidding.

We had a really exciting Saturday night a few weeks ago. It was great. We finally got to do something we'd been looking forward to since before we bought the house.

We (mostly my husband and our friend) finally replaced the inner workings of our half bath toilet! You're probably thinking seriously? this is what you're writing about?! Yes, yes I am. If you didn't have the pleasure of hearing the toilet before it had minor surgery then you didn't get to hear it doing it's best job to mimic a high pitched rocket launch. You could pretty much hear the toilet flushing anywhere in the house.

Of course, I'm not entirely sure any of us really knew what was going on but what could go wrong with one aerospace engineer and one marine mechanical engineer working on it? They both have degrees in defying gravity!" chimed in one of our friends. Luckily the real answer to that was nothing but I quickly envisioned our toilet growing wings and flying away.

It might not have been the most exciting Saturday but it felt pretty good to check a big thing off our list, make our house a little more ours, and learn how to fix a toilet. If I now tend to imagine the toilet in our hallway bathroom flying away, that's okay too.

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