Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Lazy Posting

That love your spouse challenge is going around facebook right now. I'm enjoying all the cute pictures that I get to see of my friends and at some point I was nominated by a friend. I'll pass on nominating other people but decided to dedicate a blog post to the challenge instead. Looking through pictures was fun and I set myself the additional challenge of trying to find as many photos of myself and my husband as I could that show us but not necessarily our faces. Somehow, to me, those can convey all the emotion in the world, often more honestly than when someone asks us to smile for the camera. There were a great deal more that I could have chosen from but these seven span our first summer of dating all the way to last fall. We're in all of the them, I promise!


  1. LOVE the photos!! That Aeroshell one should be a button & sticker & patch and, well, it's really cool! Looking forward to seeing you both in September!

    1. Thank you!! And yes, it should be! Can't wait to see you guys in September too! :-)

  2. Beautiful representation of dating and married life!
