Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Christmas in Texas

You can take the girl out of the North but it's hard to take the North out of the girl. There are so many things I love about living in Southern states. Okay, mostly Georgia. Whether I'm in Georgia or Texas or Florida though, I still find it hard to get in the Christmas spirit when it's 70 degrees F outside. While "Christmas is still Christmas after all" (name that movie anyone?), I always find myself yearning for snow and for temperatures cold enough for hot cider and hot chocolate and warm clothes.

The day after Thanksgiving, I dutifully put on jeans, sneakers, and a long sleeve shirt, as if it were cool enough to warrant it. A whole group of us headed out to pick trees and drink cider and it was wonderful. As soon as we arrived home though, I swapped out my long sleeve for a t-shirt and my sneakers for flip flops. The house was starting to look Christmas-y and our cat was definitely in the holiday spirit but it still didn't feel quite like Christmas.

Last weekend we headed to San Antonio with close friends for a quick weekend getaway. It was raining and in the 40's or 50's all weekend. I think we were all drenched at one point or another. And it was brilliant. Rain isn't snow but it was cool enough to bundle up as we toured around. Warm beverages were no problem and neither was hot soup. The lights along the river walk were magical as we wandered along. Mass at the cathedral was great (and a well timed Saturday night coincidence), though I've never been to Mass with a mariachi band before. Somewhere between the chill and the friends and the lights and a beautiful Mass, I found a little more Christmas spirit. Even if it was 70 again today.

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