Tuesday, December 27, 2016

A less digital December

The four weeks of Advent seemed never-ending to me as a child. Christmas was made so much more magical by the fact that I had to wait forever for it to arrive. (Obviously, I mean literally forever here.) Now the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas seems to evaporate like so much fog as the sun rises. A lot of that has to do with AGU, a huge conference, being in the middle of the month. But a lot of it is just the rush of whatever seems important when you're an adult. And okay, a lot of it really is important- like bills and groceries and exercise and work.

And then other times it's emails and games on the phone and things that might be nice but aren't as important by far as sitting don with friends and family and genuinely spending time with them. In November, before Thanksgiving, I decided to log off email on my phone and give up digital games until Christmas. At the time, I thought I would get so much time back in my life and I was sure that going "digital-light" would uncomplicate my December.

The good news, I guess, is that it didn't complicate it more. The month still seemed to fly by though and I'm not sure I ever had so much more time to do those things that are more important. I still felt rushed and stressed and out of time. So, while I'm not very much for New Year's resolutions, this year I might make one to be more conscious of how I'm spending my time and more mindful of the things that really matter.

My prediction for how long this resolution will last? Maybe a month?

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