Monday, January 16, 2017

The Sick kind of Sick Days

There's this commercial that runs here showing a woman calling in for a sick day to marathon a favorite tv show. Whether she's sick or not, she's definitely enjoying streaming her favorite show. Who doesn't want that? Some days I fantasize about all the things I could be getting done at home if I just took a sick day. But I don't. I don't even take sick days when I'm sick. I work from home.

So this past week was unusual. I took sick days from Wednesday to Friday. I had a good reason for it (and if you want to know more about that, send me an email or message) but, in my heart, I was pretty sure it would be unnecessary. I even sketched out a plan for each day, assuming that I would feel up to doing things. It was a good plan.

Of course, that's not how sick days work when you're really sick. Rather than tackling my very reasonable sounding to do list, I spent most of my time sleeping and, when I was awake, I did exciting things like stare at the walls. It's a lot more interesting than it sounds when you're not feeling well. I thought about reading a book or coloring or doing so many other things that seem to take almost no energy but it turns out that they all took just enough energy.

I'm feeling better now and will be back at work tomorrow but the moral of the story is that sick days are a lot less exciting and fun than you'd think when you're actually sick.


  1. Boo for sick days, but yay for ACTUALLY stopping when you need to STOP! Glad you back up and at 'em!
